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Writer's pictureVirginia Richins

A Child's Prayer

Updated: Jul 18, 2022

Flip Chart

I created a flip chart for this song. Feel free to use it if it helps you at all!

You can print the file by clicking on the title of the song in the link below. As a tip, if you are viewing this from your phone, click the three dots in the upper left hand corner and select "print layout" for easier viewing. You can access the flip chart here:

And here is a file with just the words in case you want to flip pages less or use it for a review day:

Echo Sing Idea

I had a fun idea come to me for this week, so one of the ways I plan to use this is to put the first verse up on the board (leaving spaces for the second verse to go under each section, I am taping mine together, 4 pages at a time accordian style and labeling which part they are). Then I will sing each page of the first verse with them echoing me. Then I will add the second verse underneath each part of the first verse. So I will put the first four pages of the second verse right underneath the first four pages of the first verse. Then I will repeat that pattern so they can see all of the second verse under each section of the first verse. We will sing through just the first page of the first verse which says,"Heavenly Father, are you really there?" Then I will have the adults sing the first page of the second verse "Pray, he is there;" Then we have the children sing "And do you hear and answer every child's prayer?" Adults will follow with "Speak, he is listening." And you should get the idea from there. For some parts it makes sense to do two pages, so practice this idea at home before you try it. Anyway, I am excited to see how it goes. Check out my video for a visual example of how to use this idea!


Here are some scarf actions for this song. I had a lot of fun doing this with my primary. Sometimes I wish I could duplicate myself and have me lead both part at the same time with scarves. Wouldn't that be cool? Maybe you have two choristers and might have fun trying that for the third verse. The kids loved it lots too. What I love about scarves is the kids always seem to be pretty focused and reverent when we do it. You could also use ribbon wands or ribbon rings if you don't have scarves. And feel free to adjust the movements to fit your liking. I do that all the time if something isn't quite working :)

Well, that's all I have for now! I will keep updating this post with more ideas as they come to me :)

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