Here is a flip chart I made for the song "Peace in Christ." I made it with the words that go along with the youth version of the song since that is the only recording of the song I know of. You could save paper by not printing every chorus if you need to and just print the chorus once. I tend to post only one chorus on the board when I am singing it with the kids in Primary. I like having all the verses and choruses for when we perform so I can just flip the chart page by page instead of having to go backwards. You can access this free file by clicking here:
I also came up with a video with scarf movements. You could easily modify it to ribbon wands if you wanted too. Check it out here:
Hand Motions
I also did a mix of ASL and hand motions to this song. I started teaching it last week and it was fun explaining the ASL words to the kids. I got most of the ASL signs from the church website. You can watch the video start to finish and then see me break it down for easier learning. Check it out here: